Tuesday 13 January 2015

Keeping Track Of Resolutions

Hello friends!

It is 13 days since New year; You probably made resolutions; decided to start/stop doing some things, do some differently and the list goes on...
Some people however, do not make new year resolutions at all.

So, How is it going?

The thing with New year resolutions are that, they most times are hard to keep up with and are forgotten easily. As a matter of fact, as you read this, there is a possibility that you have given up already after 13 days, and by mid year everyone has abandoned their resolutions.

But, Hey! No one  said  resolutions would be easy to keep: that's probably why you made one in the first place.

Here are some few tips on keeping track with your resolutions:

  • Keep resolutions simple: do not make vague resolutions like: I want to be a better person. Write out the things that would make you a better person and take little steps to getting there, for example: Today, I want to smile more often. Also keeping it simple could mean not having to make an all year resolutions that you cannot keep up with, instead, you can make monthly goals/ resolutions.
  • Take it one -at- a time: One can get overwhelmed easily by trying to do everything or make the changes all at a time, so it is best to take them one at a time.
  • Celebrate your little accomplishments and do not beat yourself too much if you fail, just dust yourself up and try again.
  • Set timelines: Think about your entire year and the benchmarks you want to see over that time. It can be weekly, monthly or quarterly and work towards achieving them. 
  • Have a constant review of your resolution- accomplishment; this helps to keep you in track.
And while you are at this, remember to Live The Life You Love Phenomenally...

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